Dados do Trabalho




Garcinia madruno, commonly known as bacuripari, is a tropical fruit tree
native to the Amazon region. Carotenoids and phenolic compounds found in fruit peels
offer numerous health benefits due to their potent antioxidant properties. Carotenoids,
such as β-carotene, support immune function and promote eye health, while phenolic
compounds help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic diseases, including
heart disease and cancer. The aim of this research was to investigate the bioaccessibility
of bioactive compounds in bacuripari peels.

Material e Métodos

Carotenoids were quantified using HPLCDAD-APCI-MS/MS,
as described by Chisté and Mercadante (2012), phenolic
compounds were measured by spectrophotometry according to Singleton and Rossi
(1965), and antioxidant activity was assessed using the ABTS radical method described
by Re et al (1999). The bacuripari peels were subjected to a simulated in vitro
gastrointestinal digestion process, and the content of total carotenoids (24.12 mg/100 g
fw – not detected), phenolic compounds (758.61 – 84.80 mg GAE/100 g fw), and
antioxidant activity (105.95 – 32.41 µmol TE/100 g fw) before and after digestion were

Resultados e Discussão

A bioaccessibility of 10.97% for phenolic compounds and 30.61% for
antioxidant activity was observed. However, carotenoids were not detected after the
digestion process.


In conclusion, while bacuripari peels contain significant levels of
bioactive compounds, the bioaccessibility of these nutrients, especially carotenoids, may
be limited. This highlights the importance of considering bioaccessibility when evaluating
the potential health benefits of fruit peels, suggesting that further research is needed to
enhance the absorption and efficacy of these compounds.


Química, bioquímica e físico-química de alimentos


Universidade Federal do Pará - Pará - Brasil, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia - Pará - Brasil


Jheymyson De Sousa Cunha , Elivaldo Nunes Modesto Junior , Rosane Patricia Chaves , Michael Ruan Silveira De Souza, Rafaela Sousa Ramos, Maria Eduarda Ferraz De Carvalho , Nayara Macedo Peixoto Araújo , Rosinelson Da Silva Pena, Gustavo Pereira Araújo