Dados do Trabalho




The Brazilian chocolate market offers a diverse range of products and prices aimed at different consumer profiles. Among the market niches, there has been a growing demand for high quality chocolates. A relevant opportunity to understand the preferences and purchasing behavior of these products by consumers is to approach them in specific retail locations.

Material e Métodos

Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the profile of chocolate consumers in a specialized store in the city of Campinas–SP, a member of the bean-to-bar Brazil association. Data collection from 140 participants took place in April 2023, through an online form (after the purchase of chocolates, aiming to accurately select the audience).

Resultados e Discussão

The results regarding gender indicate a public of 64.29% female and 34.29% male, with 1.43% identifying as others. In terms of age, the predominance was 26–35 years (43.56%), with 52.46% female and 47.54% male. Overall, there was no significant difference in regard to gender for this parameter (p = 1). The monthly income of the evaluated consumers ranged from 1–3 (~29%) and 4–6 (~27%) minimum wages, with 68.75% of this group being women. In general, there was no significant difference (p = 0.29) in monthly income between gender. Additionally, the data shows that 38.57% of the public consume chocolate two to three times per week. Regarding the amounts paid for a bar of chocolate weighing 80–100 grams, the participants were distributed as follows: 22.14% pay R$10.01–R$15.00; 21.43% R$5.00–R$10.00; 19.29% R$20.01–R$25.00; and only 5.7% pay above R$30.00 for the products, with no significant difference as a whole (p = 1) between gender. The findings indicated no significant differences between gender regarding age, income, and amounts paid for chocolate. Additionally, it was found that nearly 40% of participants consume chocolate 2–3 times per week.


These insights demonstrate that the Brazilian chocolate market has a multifaceted consumer base with a diverse behavior pattern. Recognizing these preferences might enable stores to maximize their reach and increase their loyalty rate.


Ciências Sensoriais e perfil do Consumidor


Universidade Estadual de Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil


Isabela Portelinha Tonin, Tais Leticia de Oliveira Santos, Paulo Tulio de Souza Silveira, Priscilla Efraim