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Physicochemical Composition and Carotenoid Identification in the Peel of Bacuripari (Garcinia madruno)


Garcinia madruno, also known as "madrono" or "bacuripari," is a fruit native to South America, predominantly found in the Amazon regions of Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. The peel, which constitutes up to 50% of the fruit's total weight, has a thick, rough texture and a yellow coloration characteristic of the presence of carotenoids. Therefore, the objective of this research is to characterize the bacuripari peel regarding its physicochemical properties and to identify and quantify the carotenoids using HPLC-DAD using methanol/MTBE as the mobile phase, the carotenoids were identified according to the following combined data: elution order on C30 column, UV–visible spectrum features [λmax, spectral fine structure (%III/II), peak cis intensity (%AB/AII)], and co-chromatography with authentic standards

Material e Métodos

The fruit was collected, and the peel was analyzed in its natural state, with results obtained on a wet basis

Resultados e Discussão

The evaluated parameters were moisture (86.25 g/100 g), total solids (13.85 g/100 g), ash (0.44 g/100 g), total lipids (0.38 g/100 g), pH (2.19), total acidity (2.50 g citric acid/100 g), total soluble solids (7.73 g/100 g), and TSS/TTA ratio (2.99). The carotenoids identified and quantified in the fruit peel were (all-E)-lutein (0.18 mg/100 g), (all-E)-α-carotene (0.04 mg/100 g), (all-E)-β-carotene (0.19 mg/100 g), 9Z-β-carotene (0.15 mg/100 g), cis-δ-carotene 1 (0.15 mg/100 g), cis-δ-carotene 2 (0.16 mg/100 g), and Z-γ-carotene 1 (0.15 mg/100 g). The results highlight the presence of carotenoids in the peel of Garcinia madruno, with (all-E)-β-carotene and (all-E)-lutein identified as the predominant carotenoid. This is noteworthy as lutein is known for its antioxidant properties and its role in maintaining eye health. In conclusion, the peel of bacuripari, is a rich source of carotenoids, particularly (all-E)-β-carotene and (all-E)-lutein, which is recognized for its antioxidant properties and benefits to eye health


These findings indicate that the bacuripari peel, typically regarded as a waste product, has substantial potential for application in the food and nutraceutical industries, thereby enhancing sustainability and increasing the value of this tropical fruit.


Química, bioquímica e físico-química de alimentos


Universidade Federal Do Pará - Pará - Brasil


Jheymyson de Sousa CUNHA, Elivaldo Nunes MODESTO JUNIOR, Rosane Patricia CHAVES, Michael Ruan Silveira DE SOUZA, Rafaela Sousa RAMOS, JULIANA GUIMARAES DA SILVA, Nayara Peixoto Araujo, Rosinelson da Silva PENA, Gustavo Pereira ARAUJO