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Investigating natural compounds present in plants with antimicrobial potential represents an alternative to replacing chemical preservatives and preventing antibiotic resistance. In this context, the antimicrobial potential of extracts from Catuaí red coffee peels was evaluated.

Material e Métodos

The peels were obtained by conventional (pulper) and manual (organic) methods. The extraction was carried out with 5g of coffee peels in amber Erlenmeyer flasks and 100 mL of 80% ethanol in ultrasound water bath for 50 minutes, at a frequency of 45 kHZ, power of 50% and temperature of 40 ºC. The solid fraction was discarded, and the liquid fraction was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 20 minutes. The supernatant was rotary evaporated to remove the ethanol, sterilized in a 0.22 µm membrane and frozen until use. Pathogenic microorganisms Escherichia coli ATCC 11229, Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 13076, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Pseudomonas fluorences ATCC 13525 were activated in Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI) at 37 ºC for 24 hours. Then, the cultures were subjected to serial dilutions until the inoculum was obtained with 103 CFU/mL of cells. The antimicrobial potential of coffee extracts was then evaluated in microassays in Elisa plates of 96 wells containing pathogenic cultures (100 µL), coffee extracts (100 µL) and double-concentration BHI broth (100 µL). This plate remained incubated for 24 hours at 37 ºC in an Elisa reader and Multiskan skyhigh microplate photometer (Fisher Scientific Term); samples were taken every 2 hours and read at 600nm of absorbance.

Resultados e Discussão

The results showed inhibition of the growth of all pathogenic microorganisms in all extracts evaluated.


Thus, in addition to confirming the antimicrobial potential of Catuaí red coffee peel extracts, it was verified that the differences in peel processing did not affect this potential. Consequently, coffee peels, traditionally considered a byproduct for burning, can be utilized to obtain extracts with antimicrobial properties.


Toxicologia e microbiologia de alimentos


Daiana WISCHRAL, Lizeth Mercedes Garcia Jaimes, Vitor Emanuel Máximo SANTOS, Breno Rodrigues de Souza, Philippe Defáveri Bieler, Evandro Martins , Pedro Henrique Campelo, Paulo César Stringheta