Dados do Trabalho


Sensory profile and acceptance of kombucha added with Lacticaseibacillus casei and camu-camu pulp


Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from a combination of tea and sugar and a colony of microorganisms known as SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). Although kombucha is popularly recognized as a probiotic beverage, this name and the claims involved cannot be used, as there is no consistency in the presence of probiotic microorganisms due to differences in climate, geographic area, and source of the SCOBY. Thus, a probiotic culture can be added to transform it into a probiotic beverage. However, the probiotic addition may impact kombucha's sensory profile and acceptance. Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) is a fruit native to the Amazon region with important sensory properties.

Material e Métodos

This study evaluated the effect of adding Lacticaseibacillus casei as probiotic culture and camu-camu pulp on kombucha's sensory profile and acceptance. Four formulations of kombucha were processed: KB (base), KF (with fruit [camu-camu pulp]), KLC (with L. casei), and KFLC (with fruit [camu-camu pulp] and L. casei). The sensory profile of the products was assessed using the Preferred Attribute Elicitation method and 14 kombucha consumers. The data was analyzed using Generalized Procrustes Analyses. The acceptance of the products was evaluated by 106 consumers of kombucha using 9-point hedonic scales. The data was analyzed using a two-way Analysis of Variance and Tukey test (p < 0.05).

Resultados e Discussão

The kombucha was accepted by consumers, with scores of 5.44-7.65 on a 9-point hedonic scale. The sweet taste, brightness, and translucent appearance characterized the KB. Adding L. casei (KLC) negatively impacted the acceptance of the products in terms of flavor and overall impression due to the decreased fruity flavor intensity and intermediate intensities of the other attributes. The addition of camu-camu pulp alone (KF), and, mainly, in association with L. casei (KFLC), resulted in products characterized by higher intensity of yellow color, dispersed solids in appearance, aerated appearance, astringent, bitter, acid, fermented, and citric tastes, viscous and unctuous texture, acetic aroma, and improved aroma acceptance.


Finally, KFLC showed a higher intensity of fruity flavor. In conclusion, the association of L. casei and camu-camu pulp resulted in kombucha with a suitable sensory profile and acceptance.


Ciências Sensoriais e perfil do Consumidor


Universidade Estadual de Londrina - Paraná - Brasil


Thiago Okagawa, Gisele Aparecida Nobre COSTA, Carlos Eduardo BARÃO, Marciane MAGNANI, Tatiana Colombo Pimentel