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The craft beer industry is rapidly expanding both globally and domestically. Recent studies suggest that consumers of craft beers are increasingly drawn to innovative brews with unique and complex sensory profiles. Among these, Fruit Beers have garnered significant attention, offering a platform for the development and exploration of diverse formulations and raw materials, setting them apart from traditional beer styles. Consequently, there is a growing interest in understanding consumer perceptions within this dynamic and evolving industry. This study aimed to delve into the perceptions of consumers residing in Brazil regarding craft beers, particularly those infused with fruits.

Material e Métodos

The virtual survey, approved by the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings at UFSC (Brazil) (Reference CAAE n. 49991421.3.0000.0121), consisted of 19 close-ended and open-ended questions. This survey involved participants residing in Brazil, aged 18 years or older, who use to consume craft beers. Responses from 324 participants were analyzed using both Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the software Statistica® 13.0.

Resultados e Discussão

The analysis revealed several correlations, notably with age, gender, and education level clustering together, suggesting their interrelation with other survey questions. Noteworthy findings included the observation that female consumers showed a stronger inclination towards enjoying Fruit Beers, particularly those with at least a high school education. Interestingly, undergraduates were also prominently represented among those expressing a preference for Fruit Beers, indicating a youthful demographic trend. Regarding purchasing and consumption habits, the study found that while craft beer consumption typically occurred weekly, the frequency for Fruit Beers was notably lower, averaging once a month. Participants indicated their residences as the primary consumption location, with craft beer purchases commonly made at supermarkets. Factors such as quality, cost, and unique flavor profiles were cited as influential in purchasing decisions, with taste, aroma, and fruity notes emerging as the primary attributes of interest to consumers. Participants overwhelmingly favored characteristics such as flavor, color, aroma, and sweetness in Fruit Beers, driving their purchasing decisions.


Our findings define market trends regarding fruit-infused craft beers, helping to develop products based on consumer demands.


Ciências Sensoriais e perfil do Consumidor


CAUANA MUNIQUE HAAS, Tatiane de Andrade Maranhão, Francieli Dalcanton, Maria Manuela Camino Feltes