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The growing interest in healthier products made from eco-friendly raw materials has encouraged the food industry to search for plant-based ingredients, especially alternative protein sources. Therefore, in this study, cupuassu seed flour was evaluated as an alternative source of protein.

Material e Métodos

Therefore, in this study, cupuassu seed flour was evaluated as an alternative source of protein. Protein extractability tests were carried out (extracting solutions; material/solvent ratio; and extraction time), determination of the isoelectric point (pI), fractionation of protein groups, in vitro digestibility and evaluation of the techno-functional properties (water and oil absorption capacity, foam formation and stability and gelling) of the flour and protein concentrate. The averages of the results were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and compared using the Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05).

Resultados e Discussão

Based on the results, the amount of total protein present in defatted cupuassu seed flour was 14.5%. The best condition for protein extractability was 67.1% of the total protein, extracted using NaOH (0.1 M) in a 1:20 (m/v) ratio and under constant stirring for 15 minutes. On the other hand, pI was observed in the region of pH 3.4, with the lowest solubility (5.64%). Glutelin-type proteins (36.8 ± 0.4%) constituted the majority fraction of the concentrate, suggesting applicability in the pasta and bakery industry. The protein concentrate had a digestibility of 89%, while the protein fractions glutelin (the majority fraction), albumin and globulin alone had a digestibility of 54.8%, 58.2% and 65.7%, respectively. The flour and protein concentrate had a high capacity to absorb water (778.1±23.8% and 855.5 ± 1.85%, respectively) and oil (662.8±14.2% and 701.3±22.87%, respectively), which allows them to be used in products such as pasta, sausages and hamburgers. From pH 8.0 onwards, gel formation occurred in solutions containing 16% flour or 20% protein concentrate, which can be used as water retention and emulsion stabilization agents. The protein concentrate showed a 43% increase in foam formation, with stability of over 80% in up to 60 minutes.


Therefore, this study highlights the potential for applying the techno-functional properties of cupuassu flour protein isolate and glutelin fraction as a plant-based protein ingredient.


Química, bioquímica e físico-química de alimentos


Universidade Federal da Bahia - Bahia - Brasil


Fabiana Pacheco Reis Batista, Victória Guimarães Santiago, Gabrielle Anjos de Oliveira, Maria Cecília Marinho Luz, Johnnie Elton Machado dos Santos, Biane Oliveira Philadelpho, Suzane Oliveira Jorge Cruz, Bethânia Felix Miranda Ramos, Carolina Oliveira de Souza, Ederlan de Souza Ferreira