Dados do Trabalho




In this study, the color and texture characteristics of the extrudate obtained from cupuaçu seed flour (ECUP) were evaluated.

Material e Métodos

The ECUP was made with 30% cupuaçu seed flour and 70% soy protein isolate, using a co-rotating twin-screw extruder ZSK 30, with a length/diameter ratio equal to 29:1. Commercial soybean extrudate (ESOY) (Sora Brand) was used as a control. The texture properties were evaluated on an Extralab texturometer and the colorimetric analysis on a Konica Minolta colorimeter, CR-5, using CIELab as a scale reference.

Resultados e Discussão

The results showed similarity between ECUP and ESOY for the values of fracturing (0.72 ± 0.28 and 0.82 ± 0.68), elasticity (0.50 ± 0.08 and 0.47 ± 0.09) and cohesion (0.28 ± 0.07 and 0.32 ± 0.02), respectively. ECUP presented lower hardness (2.26 ± 0.25, p=0.004), adhesiveness (-0.001 ± 0.00, p <0.001) and chewability (32.11 ± 12.49, p=0.034). Therefore, it can be said that ESOY is a firmer sample with greater resistance to chewing. The low elasticity value of the extrudates demonstrates the inability of the samples to return to their original state after being subjected to deformation. For fracturability, both ECUP and ESOY extrudates presented desirable values for a crunchy food. The low cohesiveness of ECUP and ESOY indicates that the extrudates are considered fragile. ECUP (54.48 ± 0.87) and ESOY (57.35 ± 0.77) presented L* values characteristic of clear products. For b* (11.25 ± 0.63 and 12.24 ± 0.59) and C* (13.17 ± 0.60 and 13.34 ± 0.62) parameters, respectively, there was no statistical difference. The differences in the values of a* and h° indicate that the ECUP (a*= 6.85 ± 0.20, p=0.013 and h°= 58.64 ± 1.28, p=0.002) presents greater intensity in red when compared to ESOY (a*= 5.31 ± 0.36 and h°= 66.57 ± 1.27), which determines both extrudates as reddish-yellow.


Therefore, the results indicate that despite the differences in color and texture, the extrudate obtained from cupuaçu seed flour has characteristics that make it capable of being an ingredient in formulations, as is already the case with commercial soybean extrudate.


Alimentos não convencionais: fontes alternativas


Universidade Estadual de Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil, Universidade Federal da Bahia - Goiás - Brasil


Victoria Guimarães Santiago, Fabiana Pacheco Reis Batista, Gabrielle Anjos de Oliveira, Victor Guilherme Sebastião, Renato Henrique Florêncio Teixeira, Maria Cecília Marinho Luz, Johnnie Elton Machado dos Santos, Biane Oliveira Philadelpho, Bethania Felix Miranda Ramos, Caroline Joy Steel, Carolina Oliveira de Souza, Ederlan de Souza Ferreira