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Physicochemical properties and potential prebiotic effect of hydrolyzed pectin obtained by enzymatic treatment of passion fruit agro-industrial residue


Pectin is significant in agricultural waste, such as fruit peels and pomace. Studies have shown that pectin hydrolysis products, especially pectic oligosaccharides, have bifidogenic effects, being considered a new class of prebiotics. In this study, passion fruit peel flour was used as a raw material for pectin extraction and hydrolysis, evaluating the resulting product regarding its physicochemical properties and the potential prebiotic in vitro using human feces.

Material e Métodos

The hydrolytic enzyme blend was produced in submerged cultures of Bacillus sp. SMIA-2 contains passion fruit peel flour and corn maceration water as a carbon and nitrogen source. The supernatant was dried by spray drying. The enzyme blend demonstrated pectinase as the highest catalytic activity, The passion fruit peel flour modification with the pectinase enzyme followed a 23 factorial design to evaluate the effect of the factors simultaneously on the following independent variables: Time, Temperature, pH, and enzyme concentration. The resulting water-soluble fractions (WSF) were dried in a vacuum oven at 40°C for 12 hours, weighed, and the extraction yield was calculated. The WSF was analyzed for molecular weight distribution by the HPSEC-RID system.

Resultados e Discussão

The HPSEC analysis demonstrated that the concentration of the enzyme influenced the size of the polysaccharides, which showed a large reduction in molecular size, reaching between 12 and 25 KDa. The unmodified flour's molecular weights were greater than 750 KDa. We conducted a 24-hour fermentation by intestinal bacteria of modified pectin to evaluate the production of short-chain fatty acids, which are products of microbial fermentation and have health benefits. The pressure and pH were monitored, and results were found to be compatible with the decrease in molecular weight of pectins and the production of short-chain fatty acids.


The results indicate a new low-cost method for modification of passion fruit flour to produce potential prebiotics.


Química, bioquímica e físico-química de alimentos


Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas FCF/USP - São Paulo - Brasil


Erica Cruz, Débora Preceliano de Oliveira, João Paulo Fabi