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Quality analysis of açaí: development and optimization of a method for banned dyes determination


Açaí, a traditional Brazilian fruit from the Amazonic palm trees Euterpe oleracea and Euterpe precatoria, has gained global popularity due to its nutritional benefits and high energy value. However, its popularity in Brazil and more recently in several countries in Europe and Asia raises concerns about product fraud through added thickeners, banned dyes, and other substances. This study aims to analyze freshly processed açai pulp using various methods to detect fraud quickly. The objective focuses on dyes determination, anthocyanin analysis, and phenolic compound profiles. Herein, we present the preliminary results obtained for dyes analysis (sunset yellow FCF, tartrazine, brilliant blue FCF, allura Red AC, indigo carmine, amaranth, ponceau 4R, erytrosine).

Material e Métodos

Samples of fruits and freshly prepared pulp were collected from producers on Amazonic region. Samples were extracted using Carrez I and II reagents. Then, analytes were extracted using H2O:MeOH:ACN:NH4OH (59:30:10:0.1, v/v). After mixing and centrifugation, the extract was partitioned with dichloromethane. After that, an aliquot of the supernatant was diluted with H2O and analyzed using HPLC. The chromatographic analyses were carried out on a Shimadzu HPLC system (LC-20AT), equipped with a diode array detector. The analytes were detected at 425, 515, and 620 nm. Chromatographic separation was achieved using a Luna C18 column (3.0 µm, 2.0 x 50 mm, Phenomenex).

Resultados e Discussão

The best separation of the eight analytes was obtained using a gradient of 25 mM ammonium acetate pH 7.0 (A) and acetonitrile (B). Sample extraction and chromatographic parameters were optimized using chemometric tools. In the extraction of the eight dyes in açai pulps, dichloromethane allowed fat removal from the extracts through a liquid-liquid partition, while Carrez I and II reagents promoted protein precipitation.


The proposed extraction and chromatographic separation can be applied for the determination of eight artificial dyes in açaí and juçara pulps, as well as açaí sorbets. The results of this study propose a novel analytical workflow that can identify altered products that pose health risks to consumers or are a result of economic fraud.


Validação de métodos para análise de alimentos


Carolina Turnes Pasini Deolindo, Rodrigo Barcellos Hoff, Luciano Molognoni, Heitor Daguer, Paulo Gustavo Celso, Ana Carolina Oliveira Costa