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Cashew nut milk: Impact of ultrasound processing on the physicochemical, technological, functional and sensory properties


Pasteurization is the main technique used to ensure the microbiological safety of food products. However, the heat-sensitive nutritional compounds loss and the negative changes in the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of foods are disadvantages of applying this technology. Ultrasound is a non-thermal technology with several advantages, such as high yield, productivity, and selectivity, improved physicochemical quality, and shorter processing time.

Material e Métodos

Cashew nut milk was processed using ultrasound (60 kHz, 650 W, 6 minutes) or pasteurization. Three formulations were prepared: (RAW) unprocessed, (US) subjected to ultrasound, and (PAST) subjected to pasteurization. The products were evaluated for physicochemical, functional, microbiological, technological, and sensory characteristics.

Resultados e Discussão

US and PAST milk had similar microbiological quality. PAST milk showed greater intensity of the typical flavor and aroma of cashew nut and yellow color (higher b* values). However, the sedimentation rates and perceived formation of granules were more intense. US milk showed improved characteristics, such as greater stability (lower sedimentation index), lower fluidity (lower flow behavior values), and lighter color (higher L* values), resulting in greater acceptance by consumers in terms of appearance, texture, and overall impression. The US promoted bitter and oily tastes, but with similar scores for aroma and flavor to the pasteurized milk.


It is concluded that the application of ultrasound contributes to the physicochemical and technological characteristics and acceptance of cashew nut milk.


Processos e tecnologias emergentes


Instituto Federal do Paraná - Paraná - Brasil


Isabelli Cristina da Silveira Maia, Emanuely Balbino Cordeiro Macedo, Rebeka Vitória Hurtado, Letícia Pereira dos Santos, Everton de Oliveira Bordin, Leandra de Oliveira Lima, Vanessa Aparecida Marcolino, Carlos Eduardo Barao, Tatiana Colombo Pimentel