Dados do Trabalho




Due to the susceptibility of Vitis vinifera grapes to fungal diseases and the need for more sustainable cultivation using fewer agrochemicals, new grape varieties have emerged that combine disease resistance and oenological quality, called PIWI (Pilzwiderstandsfähige). However, there is a lack of information in the literature about the oenological potential and chemical characterization of wines made with these grapes grown in Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the oenological potential of wines made with different varieties of PIWI white grapes grown in three wine-growing regions in the state of Santa Catarina.

Material e Métodos

In this study, the composition of 12 white wines was characterized, modified with four varieties of PIWI white grapes (Calardis Blanc, Felicia, Helios and Souvignier Gris) from 3 wine-growing regions (Água Doce, Videira and Urussanga), harvest 2022. The study evaluated oenological parameters (titratable acidity, volatile acidity, pH, alcohol content), total polyphenols (Folin Ciocalteu), profile of organic acids (g/L) and individual polyphenols (HPLC) and in vitro antioxidant activity (ABTS method).

Resultados e Discussão

All wines presented oenological parameters in accordance with Brazilian legislation for the production of fine wines. Total polyphenol contents ranged from 204.21 mg/L (Helios – Água doce) to 301.18 mg/L (Helios - Videira). Antioxidant activity was significantly correlated with total polyphenol content (r=0.82). Among the individual polyphenols, the majority polyphenol present in the wines of the Helios and Felicia varieties was caftaric acid, regardless of the place of cultivation, with values that varied from 14.57 mg/L (Felicia – Videira) to 22.31 mg/L (Helios – Água Doce), for the Calardis Blanc and Souvignier Gris varieties, tyrosol was the majority with values between 8.23 mg/L (Calardis Blanc – Videira) and 17.02 mg/L (Souvignier Gris - Videira). Among organic acids, tartaric acid was the majority in all wines, regardless of the grape variety, with levels between 1.88 and 6.39 g/L.


The wines analyzed demonstrate that these new varieties of white grapes, coming from different wine-growing regions of Santa Catarina, can be a strategy for sustainable viticulture, creating fine quality wines.


Química, bioquímica e físico-química de alimentos


Thalita Isabel Assumpção, Grez Roberta Oliveira Santana, Gustavo Padilha, André Luiz Kulkamp de SOUZA, Vinicius CALIARI, Vivian Maria Burin