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Ariá potato is a native plant of the Amazon region, a source of starch known for its smooth texture and water absorption capacity, making it a promising option for improving the quality and texture of various food products. The use of micronization technique in starches has become an innovative alternative in the industry and has aroused growing interest due to the results obtained, generating products with distinct properties and expanding their application capacity. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the properties of micronized ariá potato starch.

Material e Métodos

The tubers were washed in water, sanitized, peeled, cut, and ground in an industrial blender at a ratio of 1:3 (tuber:distilled water). The mixture was filtered and subjected to decantation for 12 hours. The sedimented starch was dried in an oven with air circulation (50°C) until the moisture content was below 10%, and subsequently micronized in a micronizer (Cryomill, Retsch) with pre-cooling for 3 minutes and a frequency of 5 s-1 and grinding for 5 and 10 minutes. Instrumental color analysis, optical and scanning electron microscopy, as well as water absorption (WAI) and solubility (WSI) indexes were determined. All analyzes were performed in triplicate.

Resultados e Discussão

The samples showed statistical differences (p<0.05) depending on the grinding time for all color parameters, with a reduction in the values of a* and b* when comparing the non-micronized starch (0.55 and 2.17, respectively) with that micronized for 10 minutes (0.21 and 1.70, respectively). The sample before micronization presented an L* of 94.94±0.08, while the starch micronized for 5 and 10 minutes resulted in 89.63±0.22 and 93.46±0.06, respectively. It was verified by microscopy that there was a change in the structure of the starch granules due to the process, besides confirming the effectiveness of the mill in reducing particles. WAI and WSI were influenced by the process.


Based on that, we can conclude that grinding was efficient in reducing the particle size of the starches, contributing to the valorization of the raw material and expanding the possibilities of starch application.


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LUAN RAMOS DA SILVA, Gustavo Costa do Nascimento, Flávia de Paula Vieira, Marcos Vinícius Flores Miranda Nolasco, Maria Teresa Pedrosa Silva Clerici