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Biodegradable films are packaging materials made from alternative raw materials such as flours, starches, or proteins, aiming to reduce dependence on non-renewable sources like petroleum derivatives. The formation of this type of packaging is influenced by various parameters, including the type of raw material, proportions, processing, among others. Thus, our aim was to evaluate the difference between flour and starch from ariá (Goeppertia allouia) in the development of biodegradable films.

Material e Métodos

The tuber was cleaned, sanitized, peeled, and cut into pieces. For flour production (AF), it was dried in a circulating air oven (70°C/8 h). After drying, the material was ground and standardized (mesh 60). Starch (AS) was obtained by grinding in a 1:3 ratio (tuber:distilled water), followed by filtration and settling for 12 hours. The sedimented starch was dried in a circulating air oven (50°C) until the moisture content was below 10%. The films were produced using the casting technique, with 5% macromolecule (flour or starch), 1% glycerol (based on the mass of the macromolecule), and distilled water. The solution was heated (90°C/5 min) for starch gelatinization and then poured out (25 mL) into Petri dishes (Ø 10 cm). Drying was done at room temperature (25°C/20h). The finished films were visually evaluated for film formation capacity (FFC), homogeneity, presence of rupture or fissure zones (RFZ), insoluble particles (IP), ease of plate removal (PR), and coloration.

Resultados e Discussão

Both starches showed good FFC, homogeneity, PR, and absence of RFZ. However, films with AF showed small IP, likely derived from the fibers from the tuber. To reduce the presence of IP, advanced milling techniques such as micronization can be used. AS resulted in transparent and opaque films, while those resulting from AF were yellowish, making them suitable for use in foods sensitive to radiation.


AF and AS can be used in the development of biodegradable films, resulting in packaging with potential applications in a variety of products.


Aspectos regulatórios e inovações em embalagens de alimentos


UNICAMP - São Paulo - Brasil


LUAN RAMOS DA SILVA, Flávia de Paula Vieira, Gustavo Costa do Nascimento, Marcos Vinícius Flores Miranda Nolasco, Maria Teresa Pedrosa Silva Clerici