Dados do Trabalho




Due to climatic conditions and physiological characteristics of the coffee plants, homogeneous fruit ripening is a challenging factor on specialty coffee production via fermentation, considering differences in sugars content and microbiota availability. This work aimed to determine the color and texture parameters of green beans, and the sensory quality of the beverages of arabica coffee fermented in two different maturation stage groups.

Material e Métodos

Cultivated at 1048 m in Cerrado Mineiro region, fruits (Catiguá MG2 cultivar) were sorted in two groups: green-ripe cherry (G1) and raisin-buoy (G2). Natural coffee was fermented for 60 h in 200 L high-density-polyethylene bioreactors exposed to direct sunlight, using spontaneous self-induced anaerobiosis in solid-state with epiphytic microbiota. After fermentation, samples were sun-dried, peeled and sorted. Chromatic values were measured with a CIELab colorimeter (D65, 2°) in quintuplicate. Rupture strength and hardness parameters (given in g force) were quantified in triplicate using texture profile analysis (TPA-AIBCAKE2 macro) with an aluminum probe (25 mm), return distance of 20 mm, return speed of 30 mm/s, contact force of 30 g, and strain of 70%. Sensory analysis for roasted beans was conducted according to the Specialty Coffee Association protocol, and the cupping were rated by four certified Q-Graders resulting in a final score (>80 classifies specialty coffees). Statistical differences were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p<0.05).

Resultados e Discussão

Color parameters indicated that G1 had beans lighter (L*: G1=40.78a, G2=32.08b), less green (a*: G1=0.95a, G2=0.02b) and yellower (b*: G1=19.97a, G2=15.04b) than G2. Both samples showed no differences in rupture strength (G1=32455a, G2=33065a) and hardness (G1=37090a, G2=34443a) parameters. On the sensory analysis, both samples showed descriptors of chocolate, nuts, and citric fruits, G1 (84.25a) being specified with red fruits and G2 (82.88a) with honey notes; no differences were identified for sensory attributes of aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body and balance.


It is possible to conclude that the differentiation of maturation stages did not affect the texture quality of green beans. Additionally, G1 suffered greater degradation in bean color. The sensory perception of the beverages showed the production of some different notes while maintaining a base profile with no changes in score and attributes.


Processos biotecnológicos para produção de alimentos e bioinsumos


Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas - Minas Gerais - Brasil, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei - Minas Gerais - Brasil, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Minas Gerais - Brasil


ARLLEY DE BRITO MAGALHAES SOUSA, Lívia Carneiro Fidélis SILVA, Renata Abadia Reis ROCHA, Ordarlei José Aparecido SILVA, Fabiana Teixeira SOUZA, Laurence Rodrigues do AMARAL, Renata Nepomuceno da CUNHA, Líbia Diniz SANTOS, Liliane Maciel de OLIVEIRA