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Developing ingredients for 3D-printing of food products for dysphagia: Dry Heating Treatment (DHT) to modify maize starch


3D printing is an interesting technology for developing food products for special needs. One of the most interesting applications for this technology is developing foods tailored to people who have difficulties in chewing and swallowing, known as dysphagia. However, to use a 3D printer for food applications, it is necessary to associate gelling ingredients. Starches, for example, have been considered an interesting alternative due to their high availability and low cost – but with limited functionality. Therefore, this work’s objective was to modify maize starch by Dry Heating Treatment (DHT - 30 different conditions at 110–150 °C, 1–6 h), applying it to obtain fruit juice gels for dysphagic diets.

Material e Métodos

Two fruits with different pH’s were processed (orange, as a high-acid juice, and watermelon, as a low-acid juice), and the gels were evaluated in relation to the potential for 3D printing and texture - which was evaluated using the fork test described by the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI).

Resultados e Discussão

DHT reduced the consistency of the starch paste, producing both carbonyl and carboxyl groups, and promoting partial depolymerization. Consequently, the starch properties were changed: DHT processing produced weaker maize starch gels, with better printability when compared to the control. The pH did not have a great impact on the formation of gels. Factors such as time and temperature of DHT had greater impacts. The gels were produced both by molding and 3D printing, resulting in foods characterized at levels 5 and 6 by the IDSSI. DHT conditions at 140 °C for 6 h, 150 °C for 4 h and 5 h demonstrating the best performance.


Consequently, this work expands the application of starches as gelling ingredients for 3D printing of foods, considering the obtention of food products for special needs.


Processos e tecnologias emergentes


JAQUELINE SOUZA GUEDES, Bruna Sousa Bitencourt , Pedro Esteves Duarte Augusto