Dados do Trabalho




In the world market, color is a determining factor for the acceptance of bee honey,
ranging from water white, through amber tones, to almost black. Light honey has better consumer
acceptance and higher market value when compared to dark honey. In addition to color, the
composition and properties of honey are highly related to the floral and geographic origin. This
work aimed to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of honey samples from the Capanema
Region in Paraná - Brazil and relate them to the botanical species of flora in this location.

Material e Métodos

The analysis required by the Technical Regulation of Identity and Quality of Honey (Instruction N°
11) was carried out in triplicate. Fifty-nine monofloral and multifloral honey samples were
obtained from apiaries located in Capanema-PR and different locations away from Capanema in
2022 and 2023. The samples were evaluated for moisture, pH, electrical conductivity, diastasic
activity, total acidity, reducing sugars, sucrose and hydroxymethylfurfural. The honey color was
determined by absorbance at 635 nm (C635), by Pfund scale and chromatic components (CIE
system: L, a*, b*, Cro, Hue).

Resultados e Discussão

Principal Component Analysis was applied to the data matrix formed
by the samples (lines) and physicochemical variables (columns). Two first components (PC1 and
PC2) explained, respectively 29.5% and 19% of the variability of the samples and honeys of
different origins were separated mainly due to the different color, acidity, electrical conductivity
and sucrose. Lighter honeys (higher L*) and higher pH values were associated with
Moquiniastrum polymorphum botanical species, commonly known as "cambará" and were clearly
separated from other botanical origins.


Samples collected in regions distant from Capanema
showed a high level of electrical conductivity and a darker color. The electrical conductivity is a
parameter related to the mineral content in the honey and can be related to the botanical origin of
the honey. pH analysis is related to organic acids that contribute to honey flavor and stability
against microbial spoilage. Variables studied and statistical techniques employed were efficient
for grouping the honey from different blossoms and can be useful to identify the botanical origin
of honey.


Química, bioquímica e físico-química de alimentos


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Paraná - Brasil


MILENE OLIVEIRA PEREIRA, Rusbel R. A. Borquis, Alyne Chicocki, Wagner Gazziero, Paula Fernandes Montanher, Andreia Anschau