Dados do Trabalho




Beer is a globally popular beverage with a diverse consumer base. The trend of "gourmetization" has heightened interest in craft beers, driving their increased visibility. This study aimed to develop a craft beer flavored with mangaba fruit pulp to enhance its nutritional value, assess its physicochemical, antioxidant, and microbiological properties, and promote the use of regional raw materials.

Material e Métodos

Three formulations were created: F1 and F2 contained 7.5% and 15% mangaba pulp, respectively, while F3 served as a standard formulation, all developed according to regulatory standards

Resultados e Discussão

The results showed that the alcoholic content of F1 and F2 exceeded 3%, classifying them as beer
per current legislation. Formulation F1 had an alcoholic content of 5.2%. The
physicochemical composition of the beers, including alcohol content (3.4–5.2%),
moisture (88.71–93.80%), soluble solids (5.0–10 °Brix), water activity (0.98–1.0), pH
(4.10–4.27), total titratable acidity (0.15–0.22%), fixed acidity (1.37–4.1), volatile acidity
(1.22–3.83%), ash content (0.15–0.18%), dry extract (3.4–7.6%), real extract (8.35–
9.75%), original extract (16.0–19.41), and density (1.033–1.045 g/L), varied but met the
specifications required by legislation for alcohol and dry extract content. These variations
were attributed to the different pulp concentrations. Color analysis revealed that F3 and
F1 exhibited higher luminosity than F2. Total phenolic content analysis indicated that F1
and F2 outperformed F3, with values ranging from 35.13 to 36.88 mg GAE/100g. The
antioxidant capacity, measured by DPPH, showed F3 with the highest efficient
concentration at 25.7 mg/mL. Microbiological analysis confirmed the absence of
microbial growth, in line with Brazilian regulations.


In conclusion, incorporating mangaba pulp significantly enhances the nutritional value of beer and promotes regional fruit recognition.


Alimentos funcionais e nutrição


Universidade Federal do Pará - Pará - Brasil


Enzo Tadaiesky Valente Moia, Rosane Patricia Ferreira Chaves, Jheymyson de Sousa Cunha, Elivaldo Nunes Modesto Junior