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Bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds in enzymatically treated seriguela (Spondias purpurea L.) pulp after simulated gastrointestinal digestion using INFOGEST protocol


Some biotechnological processes, such as enzymatic hydrolysis, can be used as a strategy to increase the extraction and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds and, consequently, the antioxidant properties of food matrices. This study investigates whether simulated gastrointestinal digestion (INFOGEST protocol) affects the bioaccessibility and antioxidant potential of seriguela pulp before and after enzymatic hydrolysis.

Material e Métodos

The hydrolyzed seriguela pulp was obtained under the following conditions: ternary mixture of the enzymes Pectinex, Celluclast and Viscozyme at a final concentration of 0.25% (v:v), pH 5, 40°C as incubation temperature for 40 minutes. The pulp without enzymatic treatment was used as a control. The control pulp and the enzymatically hydrolysis pulp were subjected to the simulated digestion. Total phenolic compounds content (TPC), expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalent per g of sample (mg GAE/g), and antioxidant properties (ABTS, DPPH and FRAP assays) expressed as µmol of Trolox equivalents per g of sample (µmol TE/g), were investigated.

Resultados e Discussão

After digestion, there was a significant increase (p < 0.05) in TPC for the control pulp (non-hydrolyzed), resulting in a 42% higher value when the digested (1.78 mg GAE/g) and undigested (1.25 mg GAE/g) samples were compared. Similar effect was observed for the enzymatically treated pulp, in which the digested sample (2.55 mg GAE/g) showed a 254% increase in TPC compared to the undigested sample (0.72 mg GAE/g). The effects detected for antioxidants tests followed the same trend. In the control pulp, the antioxidant properties of digested samples measured by ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP were 55, 18, and 7 µmol TE/g, respectively. These values represented increases of 172%, 206%, and 39% compared the undigested sample (20, 6, and 5 µmol TE/g, respectively). For the enzymatically treated pulp, the antioxidant properties of the digested samples measured by ABTS, DPPH and FRAP were 55, 28 and 0.73 µmol TE/g, with increases of 142, 27 and 3% compared to the undigested sample (23, 22 and 0.71 µmol TE/g, respectively).


The results showed that digestion led to an increase in the release of phenolic compounds, consequently increasing the antioxidant properties of the seriguela pulp, regardless of any previous enzymatic treatment.


Processos biotecnológicos para produção de alimentos e bioinsumos


Universidade Estadual de Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil


MARIANA DE OLIVEIRA SILVA, Bruna Egilio Macedo , Ruann Janser Soares de Castro