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Centesimal Characterization of Constituent Parts of Adenanthera Pavonina Seed for Potential Use in the Food Industry: A Biorrefinery Approach


Adenanthera Pavonina (AP) is a plant originating from Southeast Asia but has a wide geographic presence. Its vibrant scarlet seeds are composed of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, bioactive compounds such as tannins and flavonoids. The objective of this work was to separate the AP seed into its different fractions and analyze its nutritional properties and bioactive compounds.

Material e Métodos

The seeds were boiled in distilled water for 30 minutes and allowed to swell overnight. They were then manually separated into the following fractions: test, tegument, endosperm and germ. Moisture, lipid, protein tests and evaluation of anti-oxidant activity were carried out using the DPPH, ABTS and Total Phenolic Compounds methods.

Resultados e Discussão

The results revealed that the seeds ranged in weight from 0.14g to 0.37g, with dimensions varying from 6.3mm to 9.9mm in width, 5.9mm to 10.1mm in height, and 3.2mm to 6.6mm in thickness. The moisture content of the seeds was approximately 11%, with an average lipid content of 17.3%. When analyzing the different fractions of the seeds, it was observed that the germ had the highest average yield, at 40.8%, followed by the testa at 18.4%, tegument at 22.4%, and endosperm at 10.2%. Analyses of moisture, ashes, proteins, and lipids revealed significant variations between the fractions, with the germ exhibiting the lowest moisture content (1.8%) and the highest lipid content (38.9%) and ashes (4,24%). The results of the DPPH and ABTS tests indicated the antioxidant potential of the different seed fractions. Notably, the tegument showed the highest values for both DPPH (190 µg/mL) and ABTS (190 µg/mL), suggesting a stronger antioxidant potential in this fraction compared to the other seed parts. Conversely, the endosperm exhibited the lowest values of antioxidant activity in both tests.


These findings highlight the importance of considering not only the nutritional composition of the seeds but also their antioxidant properties when evaluating their potential for food applications.


Alimentos funcionais e nutrição


UFSC - Santa Catarina - Brasil


ELDER DOS SANTOS ARAUJO, Sofia Maria Tanaka Ramos, Adriana de Farias Nascimento, Alcilene Rodrigues Monteiro, Jessica de Matos Fonseca, Germán Ayala Valencia